Appeared for the abrdn Group, instructed by Minter Ellison.
Successful application for consent pursuant to s 249E of the Crimes Act 1900 (NSW) to the offering, receiving, giving and soliciting of financial benefits as part of a change in responsible entity across the Australian fund book of global investment managers abrdn Australia and its Singapore parent company abrdn Asia, comprising 10 registered managed investment schemes and $1.5 billion funds in management.
Heard by Rees J on 20 June 2023 (judgment unreported).
Media coverage:
abrdn sells local trustee business (Financial Standard, 27 June 2023)
MSC appointed by abrdn for trusteeship (Professional Planner, 27 June 2023)
abrdn selects MSC Trustees as trustee for its Australian fund book (Investor Daily, 27 June 2023)
‘We are absolutely not leaving Australia’: Abrdn (Money Management, 28 June 2023)