Commercial Dispute

Nature's Care Holdings v Chen [2024] NSWSC 14

Appeared for Nature’s Care Group, instructed by Clifford Chance.

Successful interlocutory injunction in support of claim for breaches of fiduciary duty involving former directors and officers of a vitamin manufacturer and exporter.

Heard by Rees J on 22 and 23 January 2023, sitting as Vacation Judge.


Media coverage:

Hunter and Central Coast Development Corporation ats Doma Group

Acted for the NSW Department of Planning, Industry and Environment and Hunter & Central Coast Development Corporation, instructed by Hall & Wilcox (Newcastle).

Expert Determination of dispute over costs associated with remediating asbestos contaminated land as part of a $200 million redevelopment of The Store site in Newcastle’s emerging West End. The redevelopment of the 12,000m2 site will provide an integrated masterplan delivering a new 15,000mm2 standalone office, retail and two residential towers and structured carpark.