Public Inquiry

ICAC Operation Ember (Roads and Maritime Services) (2019-2022)

Appeared for the Roads and Maritime Services agency (Transport for NSW), instructed by Norton Rose Fulbright.

This public inquiry by the NSW Independent Commission Against Corruption was part of an investigation into the State Government’s Roads and Maritime Services agency (subsequently part of Transport for NSW) and allegations concerning two employees and how they exercised their official functions when awarding government contracts for the Heavy Vehicle Safety program.

The contract work included scoping studies, field trials and the supply of equipment and parts. Two contracts awarded in 2018 for the replacement of RMS’ portable weigh scale assets totalled over $9 million in value. The ICAC also investigated the adequacy of RMS’ corruption prevention policies and procedures. 

Public hearings were conducted between May and October 2019. Extensive written submissions were exchanged between the parties in 2020. The report of the Commissioner was published on 20 May 2022.

Also appeared in related civil proceedings, initially commenced on an urgent ex parte basis, in which RMS/TfNSW successfully obtained injunctions and freezing orders against contractors the subject of the ICAC investigation. Those proceedings were ultimately resolved favourably, securing repayment of substantial amounts of public money.

Royal Commission into National Natural Disaster Arrangements

Appeared as Senior Counsel Assisting, instructed by King & Wood Mallesons.

The Royal Commission into National Natural Disaster Arrangements was established in response to the extreme bushfire season of 2019-20 which resulted in loss of life, property and wildlife and environmental destruction.

Public hearings were conducted using remote hearing technology during the height of the COVID-19 pandemic, involving over 300 witness appearances and thousands of exhibits and public submissions.

Select media coverage:

Royal Commission into Aged Care Quality and Safety

This Commonwealth Royal Commission was established on 8 October 2018 in response to questions about the quality of aged care in Australia highlighted by the ABC TV’s 4 Corners program “Who Cares?”.

The Commissioners began their investigations by seeking from major Approved Providers detailed responses to extensive questions raised by the Terms of Reference, subsequently conducting hearings and case studies on a wide range of issues.

The Commissioners delivered an interim report on 31 October 2019, a special report on COVID-19 and aged care on 1 October 2020, and a final report on 26 February 2021.

Ms Hogan-Doran SC acted for:

  • Garden View Aged Care, instructed by Sparke Helmore in Sydney Hearing 1 - Dementia and Residential Care: Use of Physical and Chemical Restraints Case Study (March 2019)

  • Anglican Care, instructed by Hall & Wilcox, in Mildura Hearing - Carers for Older Australians (July 2019)

  • AMP Capital, instructed by Hall & Wilcox, in Sydney Hearing 5 - Funding, Financing and Prudential Regulation (September 2020)

  • Anglican Care, instructed by Hall & Wilcox (re ABC TV and Written Response of Approved Providers, January 2019)

  • Catholic Healthcare, instructed by Moray & Agnew (Written Response, January 2019)

  • RSL LifeCare, instructed by Clayton Utz (Written Response, January 2019)

  • United Protestants Assn of NSW, instructed by Hall & Wilcox (Written Response, January 2019)

  • Aegis Aged Care Group (WA), instructed by Hall & Wilcox (Written Response, January 2019)